I am a professionally trained musician, vocalist and MC, Producer and host of radio show “Fizzy Nights” and host of the VFL/VFLW commentary team on 94.1fm 3WBC. With over 20 years of performing experience it’s safe to say I have dedicated my life to music and entertaining audiences. It is a great pleasure to be hosting Two Buoys Unplugged. I may even be singing a few tunes too. An incredible opportunity for all musicians not to be missed. Make sure you Sign up and show us your stuff! We will help you get your name out there, supply you with customised promotional /social media material and of course give you the chance to win some killer prizes! Join us for a great night and don’t forget to bring your friends and family along for votes and support! Can’t wait to see you there! Xx
Fabulous prizes on offer include:
- Cole Clark Guitar
- Cash Prize & Radio Exposure
- Tickets to major show and backstage tour
- Mentoring session with leading industry Tour Manager
- Venue vouchers
Total value of first prize $3,500
Information Terms and conditions
- Artists must register their full details via the web site registration form or manually in person at the venue.
- Upon registration artist are highly recommended to submit some form of their work. Spotify, YouTube, podcast, ect.
- All participating artists agree to be filmed whilst performing and for video and still shots to be used for promotional purposes in all forms of media.
- Two buoys will make posters for artists using their still shots to promote the artist on their nights, prior to artist scheduled appearance they will be emailed a promotional invite to share with their friends.
- Artists are allowed to perform covers and originals.
- Scheduled performance times will be communicated in advance and appear on the unplugged web site page, artists perform one 30min set, and are expected to be ready to go on at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled time this will ensure smooth changeovers, any delays that are artist related will come out of their performance time.
- Entrants will be expected to perform solo however they can elect to have one guest musician for one elected song per set.
- Entrants to competition must be 18 years old and over. Guests and patrons under 18 years may attend whilst accompanied by adult or guardian during meal service however must leave by 10pm.
- It is highly recommended and encouraged for artists invite a support base to attend as the crowd vote weighs heavily in their success.
- Set times will change as the artist progresses through the rounds.
- Entrants progressing to finals will lodge their set list 3 days prior to performance, artists are encouraged to perform new material for each round or at least have a new arrangement of a previously performed song (this will have a weighting with the judges)
- Are allowed to perform on any instruments that a solo artist would take to a regular gig.
- The prizes are set and 1st and 2nd place will be awarded by the 3 judging categories.
Equipment that Two Buoys provides are:
- In house PA
- Mixing decks
- Microphones
- Microphone stands.
- Fall Back
- Lighting
- Leads, (any extra leads need to be supplied by the artist)
- Artist are recommended to bring instrument, pedal board (if needed), leads and their A game.
A designated storage area will be provided by Two Buoys. Please note it is up to Artists to be mindful of others instruments in the area, as Two Buoys will not take responsibility of any damaged goods.
Voting will be done in 3 different categories and each category will have a points system.
People’s Vote:
Every person on entry will receive a voting ballot. There will be boxes for each artist for everyone to put their votes in. Person that gets the most votes will receive 3 points, 2nd the greatest number of votes will get 2 points and 3rd will get 1 point. This will go towards their success to progressing through to the next rounds.
Judges Vote:
The judges vote will adapt a 3-point blind scoring system that gets revelled at the end of the night. Judges may be selected by venue management and may consist of sponsors, established industry professionals, venue owner or agent.
Host Vote:
The host/hostess is an established artist and performer whom will coordinate the registered artists and review their individual performances the same 3-point voting system will be used.
Unplugged Artist Draw
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